
When any group of wines is displayed in a table it can be
printed just as seen on the computer display. The software allows the
columns within the wine table to be moved around and expanded or
contracted. It allows columns not of interest to be "hidden". It also
allows the number of rows per column to be adjusted. "Quick printing"
of a single wine or only of the tasting notes is also supported.
The software also comes with numerous predefined reports which analyze:
- your wine cellar
- the entire wine database
- a selected subset of the database.
As shown above, the available reports are displayed in an easy to
understand grid. Each combination of wine characteristics that can be
reported has its own button. You just depress the button to get that
report! The grid shown is for reports based upon your wine cellar. Another grid covers reports available against the entire wine database.
In the example, as shown to the right, you have asked for an analysis
of wines based upon their maturity and vintage. You would get this
particular report by depressing the button highlighted in purple within
the grid above (try it). The computer will look at the date range
specified by Robert Parker for drinking each wine and the current date.
Based upon this comparison wines will be grouped in drinking maturity
ranges, as shown. Note that only some of the vintages found are shown
in this example. Another analysis looks at wines in your cellar or
in any subset you choose from the entire wine database by Parker's
rating ranges. The ranges are according to the scale of 50-100 used in The Wine Advocate.
Within this scale wines are grouped as:
- Extraordinary -- a rating of 96-100
- Outstanding -- a rating of 90-95
- Very Good -- a rating of 85-89
- Good -- a rating of 80-84
- Average -- a rating of 70-79
- Below Average -- a rating of 60-69
- Avoid -- a rating of 50-59
As before, the wines can be further subdivided by producer, vintage,
country, region within a country (as shown) or location within a region.
The button you depress to get this report is highlighted in green in
the grid shown above (try it). Note that only 3 of the 90 wine
producing regions found are shown in the example. Also note that Parker
does not always assign a rating.
You might well be interested in knowing the
actual wines these numbers summarize. Simply double-click the number of
interest and, in seconds, you have a "drill down report" listing those
particular wines. Here, for example, are a few of the 57 champagnes
that ranked as Very Good. To get this list you would
double-click the cell highlighted in purple in the table by region and
rating range, above (try it, but just click once).
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