Downloadable Files
Test drive Robert Parker's Wine Advisor and Cellar Manager. You can download the demo
version of our software right now. Click here for the hardware
and software requirements to run the full program. Disk space requirments for the demo are much less
and can be found below.
It is fully functional except for the following:
- Only about 130 wines (those that are used in our Sample Cellars) are included in the sample wine database.
- All of Robert Parker's tastings from the years 1992-1995 are included for those wines that are in the sample
- You can add only 15 additional wines and/or tasting notes.
- The optional 'tutorial' pop-up messages will always display in the demo version.
The file RPDEMO.EXE is self extracting program. You should put it
into a temporary directory. Run the program which will uncompress the
files to about 5 megabytes in size. One of the files will be
README.TXT. Read this text file for instructions on installing the demo
The installed software will be about 10 megabytes in
size. You may wish to delete RPDEMO.EXE after running it to save disk
space. You can delete the entire temporary directory after installing
the demo software.
The Demo Software (4,365,754 bytes)

Free Upgrade to Version 2.02. You can
download a free upgrade to Version 2.02 of the software if you currently own Version 2.0 or above.
The file RPWACM22.EXE is self extracting program. You should put it
into a temporary directory. Run the program which will uncompress the
files. One of the files will be README.TXT. Read this text file for
instructions on installing the software upgrade and a review of the
specific enhancements and bug fixes it contains. You can delete the
entire temporary directory after installing the software upgrade. Do not attempt to upgrade the demo
software or any version of the product prior to 2.0.
Upgrade to Version 2.02 (941,717 bytes)
Get an independent appraisal of the software. Read Ed Jawer's review of the Version 1.0
from the International Wine & Food Society's January 1996
Newsletter of the Americas in Adobe Acrobat format. To view it, just as
it appeared in print, you will need an Acrobat viewer configured as a
helper application for your web browser. You can obtain the Adobe
software, free of charge, from their web site by
Read the Review (17,663 bytes)
Learn more about Robert Parker's Wine Advisor and Cellar Manager. Read
the User Guide,
a 55-page document in Adobe Acrobat format. The Guide presents the
core functionality of the software in a "step-by-step" approach.
View the User Guide (342,320 bytes)
For an even more detailed look at the software you can down load the full on-line Help
just as it is shipped to our customers. This unusually detailed
facility provides a full reference manual easily accessed through
"Internet-like" links. The help file is already included with the demo
version of the software. This will download as a self extracting
compressed file, RPHELP.EXE. Run RPHELP.EXE to uncompress the actual
help file: RPWACM.HLP. Double click on this file to view it just like
any other Windows help system.
The Help System (358,674 bytes)
View our brochure which you can also print. This is a high resolution, full color two-page
Adobe Acrobat document.
Robert Parker Wine Advisor and Cellar Manager Brochure
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